"What did Jesus really look like?" Good question Alex and I applaud your 'rational' approach to an 'apparent' story about 1 particular human being in history. Yet, are you guilty of 'gaming' language and the images you have used in this essay for the short-sighted purpose of Self-Interest?

Like all good writers do cherry-pick excerpts from ancient texts and artistic images from history to suit your male 'outcome' oriented attitude to problem solving, and as such pay too little attention to the feminine 'process' oriented attitude to problem solving, generally speaking, of course.

What about other artistic depictions of Jesus and their historically interpreted meaning, such as this one: "The oldest known portrait of Jesus, found in Syria and dated to about 235, shows him as a beardless young man of authoritative and dignified bearing. He is depicted with close-cropped hair and wearing a tunic and pallium—the common male dress for much of Greco-Roman society, and similar to that found in the figure art in the Dura-Europos Synagogue." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depiction_of_Jesus

Have you never experienced intuitions about implicit meaning & wondered whether the so-called 'ancients' were interested in creating reality-wise saying and stories that present a 'timelessly' intuitive understanding of the problematic nature of human condition, involving our 'generational' confusion about the nature of language & reality?

Are you so comfortable within your skin that you take the 'process' of thinking, speaking, and writing down reality-labelling words for granted? Does the 'feeling' of the subconsciously synchronized sense of the abstract-being-real, feel good? And to paraphrase Carl Jung, do you ever wonder whether or not making the subconscious conscious, means that your overwhelmingly subconscious 'reality' is directing your life and your apt to call the outcomes, fate?

Lastly, why is it so difficult for well-educated rationalists to consider that the infamous Serpent in the Garden of Eden (Earth before the birth of humanity?) is an oblique reference to our human nervous system and those famous Eastern notions of Kundalini energy, otherwise known as Serpent Power?

Three wise men from the East? Humanity Upon the Cross of Space-Time? Did Jesus religious revolution replicate Akhenaten's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten) efforts to free his people from an 'existential' prison of their own making? Does Jesus "I teach parables because they seeing, see not, hearing, hear not, and neither do they understand" signal to the world-to-come, that we all suffer from a fundamental visual illusion that the sun moves in the sky, which is replicated in cognitive illusion of the reality-labelling term, sunrise?

Why did Plato have Socrates say; "the beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms?" And given that well-educated people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali are currently writing essays with word formulations like this; "Musk’s pain was palpable, and his mission to “destroy the woke mind virus” was explained then and there." https://www.restorationbulletin.com/p/children-are-not-disordered-adults

Is 'reason' a mind-virus that evolved from humanity need of interpersonal communication, and is this mind-virus the 'implicit' meaning of the Flood narrative in the O.T.,? Please forgive my University-of-Life, word formulations, they are merely the thoughts of a 72 year old with a Grandfatherly concern for the future of his Generation Alpha Grandchildren. And I do expect you to ignore them and 'reflexively' affirm Stephen Fry's opinion that the online comments section is merely a space provided for all those people who need to get a life? 'The Little People," as Bret Weinstein once so innocently blurted out, online.

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The movie The Book of Clarence pokes fun at the Caucasian Jesus trope!

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